The cultural association “Il Cuscino di Stelle - Pietro Iadeluca” announces the 5th International Competition of Art and Literature "Pietro Iadeluca & friends". Go to the announcement.
It ended, July 16, 2016, at the Teatro La Fenice in Arsoli (Rome) before an enthusiastic audience, with the presence of the Chief Judge Kyoko Hashimoto, the fourth edition of the International Piano Competition "in memoriam Pietro Iadeluca".
Il romanzo è ambientato nel 2190 quando i poli si sono sciolti ed una lunga guerra nucleare ha devastato l’intero mondo. L’umanità si è adattata ad un sistema di vita dimenticato dalla società antecedente al conflitto. Il petrolio è scomparso e così anche la tecnologia. Una creatura misteriosa, forse un mutante, punisce chi tormenta la natura ed aiuta chi la ama. Oltre che al mistero della creatura, il testo si concentra sulle vite dei protagonisti tra le quali spicca lo splendido amore fra Fatima e Riccardo.
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The association is non-partisan and non-political purposes and profit. It's sole purpose is the pursuit of cultural, educational activities, editorials with particular regard to culture, protection and promotion of the same, but also enhancement of Pereto heritage and the Piana del Cavaliere in particular and Abruzzo in general. Other goals of the association is the organization of exhibitions, conferences, seminars, competitions, training activities, publishing activities especially with regard to culture, protection and promotion of the same, enhancement of the heritage of Pereto, the Piana del Cavaliere and Abruzzo, recreational entertainment activities, tourism, sports and leisure, but above all, the Association aims la divulgazione and propaganda of Maestro Pietro Iadeluca world.
Furthermore it is proposed to:
List of publications issued by the association Il Cuscino di Stelle.
"Pietro Iadeluca (Born in Rome on 8 august 1935 - death. in Rome on 18 april 2012). In 1943 he attended the first class of accordion "Prossa A. Clerici" in Rome. In the same year he participated in Rome at the "Ludi Giovanili" won the competition for that category and is awarded in a concert at the Teatro Argentina. In 1947 he received his 5th year of piano at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome. The same became a pupil of M° Artalo Satta. In 1949 he was among the signatories of the memorandum of the A.GI.MUS. (Associazione Giovanile Musicale – Musical Youth Association), as representative of the junior high schools."